Scribo Ergo Sum - I Write, Therefore I Am

Scribo Ergo Sum - I Write, Therefore I Am
Words Are The Wings We Use To Fly

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What's My Story?

My apologies for being absent for so long. I had actually begun this blog while in the hospital. It's been a wild ride since!  I find it difficult to believe that my children will be finishing school this week and that summer is here.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what my life means. What will I leave behind for this world? Not just with what I instill in my children, but what I will leave for others to find, people I don't even really know.

I have been taking part in a movement that is simple and yet so profound - it's called Operation Beautiful. I have enjoyed leaving the random post-it notes anywhere and everywhere while I go about my daily life. Something so simple as "Remember you are loved!" can help change someone's day and it takes so little to do so. But sometimes I find myself wondering if it's made any difference at all to anyone? Have I touched anyone's life with my notes? Has it mattered to anyone??

I have also recently begun my stint as an Affiliated Agent for Secret Agent L - I've done three missions so far and they've all been fun to do.  But as with Operation Beautiful, I find myself wondering what happened to the gifts I left behind?? Who have they touched or were they just thrown away??

I'm not entirely sure why this all matters to me so much, I just know that it does.  I'd like to know that something I have done has helped change someone's life for the better.  It's what I used to love about working at a large arena - thousands of people who's lives I could change with just a smile or a kind word after a long day. It kept a smile on my face every shift no matter what my day had been like. And most often, in smiling at others and making sure they were greeted warmly I would find my own mood changing for the better.

I had been taking part in another project created by MeYou Health called Daily Challenge. If you've never heard of it you can watch their video here. Their new video is titled "Daily Challenge: Simple Health. Every Day." Most of the challenges are fun, silly and simple. When I started, it was fun to anticipate the new challenges and how I would complete them. After a few weeks I realized that I was looking at how far others were ahead of me, how many badges they'd earned or how many points they'd amassed. I began doing it just to look good, to earn the points and try to win against my friends. That's when I knew I needed a break.

I stepped away not only from Daily Challenge, but from two other sites I loved visiting every day: We Love Gratitude and because I was doing the same thing. Was I writing as many words as others were? How many gratitude lists did I have compaired to so-and-so and so-and-so? I wasn't doing them for the reasons I'd started for - to better myself and to have fun.

After a full month away from all of them, I am looking forward to beginning them again with the 1st of June and I pray that I keep my eyes on the correct reasons for doing them. I am who I am and no matter how much "better" any of my friends are doing than I am, I can only do what I can do. If I miss a day, I miss a day. I would rather miss another whole month if it meant better time spent with my husband and kids.

One other things I am giving myself to do to challenge myself is to try to take part in at least one of the Zentangle challenges issued by i am the diva each month. I'd really like to try to do the one each week, but as long as I complete one each month I'll be happy with myself. Never heard of Zentangle before? You can learn about them at their site

Okay, that's going to be it for this entry. It's late and I am tired. My guys are all asleep and now it's my turn.

Thanks for reading!

In Gratitude & Love,

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